A title jokingly given to me, but as long as I can remember, I've always had a funny knack for finding marbles in random places. The most notably random place I would have to say would be the bottom of the lake (which would also be the inspiration for the title of the ole' blog here)- I was probably 10 or 11 and was goofing off in a shallow area of Guntersville when I felt something between my toes in the sand- I reached down and sure enough, it was a swirly looking black and yellow marble. I haven't the slightest how it got there or why I found it, but I've kept it in my tackle box for years and years as a little good luck charm. Ever since then, I'll find stray marbles here and there, usually parking lots, parks, sometimes yards, but each time I find one it puts a smile on my face.
But to get why I am sharing this story with you.
We just put an above ground pool in the back yard, which required a bit of landscaping and dirt tilling, and that resulted in a small mound of extra dirt that had to be removed to make the ground level. It had been there for about a week or so and I hadn't really thought much of it. One day before getting in the pool I was watering the garden and let Sidney, now 23 months old, roam around while I finished that up. When I was done I noticed him pawing at something in that pile of dirt, so I walk over to see what he is getting into- so imagine my surprise (and the goosebumps on my arms!) when Sidney hands me a marble.
6th sense? Just know when to pay attention? I don't know, but a sweet friend offered what I think is my favorite explanation- its just a little hello from the angels looking over me:)
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