Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh wow. Yeah...

Really seems like it was last week that I said I was going to post a little more often.. that was in April! Time can get away from me time to time.

What we're doing on a Sunday night.

I'm on the computer "pinnin'" (thank you Pinterest...), Brian is on the couch snoozing, and Sidney is playing with his stacking cups over in the corner- best Family Dollar purchase I ever made! All is quiet here on a this Sunday evening and its a great end to a lovely week.

Goals for next week:

Sidney is going to consume less crayons. Be it me just taking them away or him finally just eating what is left of the nubs, this madness will STOP. He has gotten to be quite the connoisseur and prefers the large Crayola washable crayons over any others. I hope they aren't toxic. Fact: he prefers the taste of crayons over the taste of Play-Doh. I'm not sure this kid is related to me at all.

Give myself a pedicure. If I have to wake up 45 minutes earlier than everyone else in this house just to get it done, its going to happen. It NEEDS to happen.

Read at least one adult book. No, not a dirty book, just something that isn't compiled of cardboard pages and brightly colored pictures.

Keep up with ALL sippy cups.

Smile more. Bitch less.

Love deeply.

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