I have two fun and cheap crafts to show you today, but first- allow me to share one of my many pet peeves with you.
Free range shopping carts.
Cart corrals are there for a reason. Nothing makes me angrier that finding a cart bumped up against my vehicle! Ok, well maybe I'm exaggerating a bit- there are plenty of bigger problems in this world, but this is definitely high up on my list. It isn't hard! In fact, I'm going to share a little secret with you (and I promise this is all relevant!)- I'm as lazy as they come. This is precisely why I will circle the parking lot searching for a parking spot beside the cart corral. Yes, I'd rather walk a farther distance from my car to the front door if it means that I don't have to do more walking at the end of my trip just to put the cart up.
And this is how this ties in-
Today was grocery day. Normally I go to Target, but after seeing a friends $70ish haul last week, I decided to give the new Aldi in town a try. Upon entering the parking lot, the first thing I notice is... no cart corrals. "Great" I think to myself, "there are going to be carts all up in this parking lot by the time I get back out..." Then I look around- oddly, there are *no* carts to be found. They're all lined up nicely up by the store. I get closer, and they're all chained together, each cart locked to the cart in front of it. To unlock a cart, you put a quarter into the slot on the lock, which you get back at the end of your trip when you take the cart back up and lock it back in line. FREAKING GENIUS!!
I'll take this moment to pause and apologize if you know how Aldi works. You'll have to forgive me, I'm pretty freaking excited about this place!
Now the groceries- I won't bore you with a long drawn out explanation like I did with the shopping carts, but they are c h e a p. Its all generic brands, but so far we've liked everything we've tried. To help with overall costs, you have to pay for your grocery bags. Ten cents a bag isn't too bad (biiiig sturdy bag), but its a definite push to gather all those canvas grocery bags I've got laying around. (that I never use... insert sheepish smiley with *paper* bag over her head)
Long story short, I like the place. It's actually inspiring me to work a little harder on planning meal menus and thinking about freeze-ahead dinner. Perhaps material for future blogs? I think so!
Ok, ok- now onto my cheap crafts of the day.
This was inspired by one of many pins, but I finally got a few moments away from grabby toddler paws, so I painted this up as fast as I could! It is an "upcycled" photo frame I found at a yard sale for $.50 a few years back and its just kinda been hanging out waiting for it to speak to me. I painted it with Plaid paints. My photography skills leave a little to be desired, but you get the point-
And the second has actually been done for a while, but I wanted to post it for my sister in law to see since she just got back from the beach and has lots of pretty shells to do something with! The letter press drawer came from a seller on e-Bay for $20+shipping, and most of the shells were found on our honeymoon.
Holy huge picture Batman! I'm working on that. Something is up with Photobucket.
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